
Michelle (Vermont) Hi Glenda, how are you? Phillip and I are great. I just took him on our first big ride with about 27 riders on Sunday. He was jigging at first but was fine after a bit and went places the other horses were afraid to go. there were gun shots due to target practice we were parking at a sportsman’s club. He was wonderful. Anna and Gallow were with us. He only looked twice at 3 huge rocks in our path and I asked him to go forward and he just did it that help out with the horse behind whom was really not interested in moving anywhere but away from those mean rocks. Phillip trailerd and saddled great too. I told Anna that I was so proud of myself and how far I had come that I wanted to cry. Phillip and I are still learning things together but I’m having so much fun with him. you should see his main it looks nice. Thank you again. hope you have had time to enjoy your horses on the trail this year. Michelle and Phillip

Laura (Connecticut) Have I told you lately how much I love Chocoholic? He is so awesome! They are using him for a few lessons at the barn where I board him, and everyone is head over heels in love with him! Thank you again for helping us get together!

Mari, Jonathan (Florida) Glenda, I know you probably thought we fell off the planet, and have been wondering how Radar and Cheyenne are doing. I have been meaning to sit down and write you for a while. But, I knew it would be a long email and I just now found some time. Cheyenne did real well on the transport. He came off the trailer feeling good and never had any problems. I could tell that the gentlemen that ran the transport did everything they could to make the horses comfortable, but Radar didn’t handle the trip very well. He was feeling pretty bad when the transport finally arrived late that night. He was disoriented and couldn’t even walk straight when we first took him off the trailer. He had some cuts on his head from where he hit it on the trailer, and he scraped up the inside of one leg with his other hoof. But, he would eat and drink, so I put some medicine in the wounds and knew that he would be ok. He came down with a cold (they called it shipping fever) about two days later. But, the vet came out and said that it was just in his sinuses and his chest was clear. So, we put him on antibiotics and let him rest. I was a little worried, because he had lost a little more weight through all of this and was looking pretty thin. But, after about two weeks he was all cleared up and the wounds were healed. They put him out in the big pasture and within a week he was putting on weight and looking so much better. It has been another 4–5 weeks by now and Radar is looking really good. He is filling out well and looking beautiful. I’ve attached a couple pictures from a couple weeks ago. He has filled out even more since these pictures were taken. The pictures are not great because I took them with my cell phone, but I thought you might like to see them anyway. My Mom is in one or two of them. She likes going out with us to take care of the horses. Right after they got down here, I got hurt (fractured 2 ribs) and couldn’t ride. So, I had just been going out and taking care of them several times a week, but not riding. We had really spoiled Radar while he was sick, so he was a little full of himself once he started feeling better. But, I got stern with him a few times and he straightened right up. I started working them out in the round pen a couple weeks ago and last week the doctor finally gave me the ok to ride again. I rode Radar for the first time (since he got down here) this past Saturday! I thought he might have a bit of an attitude since he had not been ridden in over 2 months, but he was an angel. He was calm and attentive. Cheyenne is more energetic, but Johnathon handles him well and they get along great. Oh….I also found that Cheyenne knows how to park! He does it on command! I didn’t know that and just stumbled onto it when I was working with him. Radar doesn’t seem to know it, but I might try to teach him down the road……as tall as he is and as short as I am, it would be nice. The vet did a full exam on both horses after they got here (joints, nerve testing, etc.). I wanted to let you know that she was very impressed with both of them….and wanted to take Cheyenne home with her! She told me that I had two terrific horses, with good conformation, great legs and good dispositions. I already knew they were great, but it was nice to hear anyway. So, the boys are settling in to their new place well. We are really enjoying spending time with them. Thank you for putting us together! I hope you and Gerald are doing well. Drop me a line to let me know how you are if you have a chance. Take care. Wishing you all the best, The Chalkers: Mari, Johnathon, Radar & Cheyenne

Barb (Wisconsin) Hi Glenda and Gerald, Thank you so much for your hospitality while I was down at your farm to find the horse of my dreams. Glenda you told me Scotch was the horse for me, but me being a stubborn Norwegian had to come and look at him anyway, all the way from Wisconsin. Well, let me just tell you and everyone else it sure was worth the trip. I had the most wonderful time riding and driving my new horse. I also learned so much in such a short time, I would never have thought it possible. Scotch arrived at my home Sunday morning very early and by noon we were out riding. He was just as smooth and wonderful as he was at your farm. We also went riding the next day and again just as good if not better. Ivan say’s he thinks he is wonderful also. Girlfriend, next time I need a horse you will be my first call and now I know I don’t have to come and see him first I think I will anyway so we can go riding again. Miss you and Gerald and the boys already. Take care and thank you for the finest horse there is. All those other people only think they have the best. Scotch and I know better. Bye for now. Barb in Wisconsin. 

Janice Hi, Glenda, Due to the weather and out of town company the past 2 weekends, I didn’t get to take my horse out country riding until today. We went out riding on little gravel country roads with an occassional passing car, a few barking dogs, a carload of Mexicans doing something illegal (we did not want to know what), farm machinery in roadside fields, shiny things in the ditches, etc. and a lovely breeze riffling the trees along the river. Part of the time we followed, part of the time we led. It was a good test to see how he would do. He did an excellent job and the folks we rode with agreed you could not have a nicer horse than he was today. I like this horse. He is a sweet and sensible fellow with a lovely disposition. His looks aren’t too shabby either. I will be happy to keep him. He is being well cared for & the guys who own the barn where I am keeping him like him A LOT, too. I think we will do quite well together. He is a great horse for me.

Patty (Pennsylvania) Hi Glenda , I just adore him . He is soooo loving and gentle with all of us esp. the kids !! And believe it or not they are actually showing intrest in horses !!! Or should I say just Star !! Everyone that comes to visit us , they all want Star ! He is just so loving of all the kids that come and visit . I still have him seperated from the others , don’t know if I’m ready to put him together ?? But here is my testimony !!! I friend of mine gave me ggflatshodfarms web site , I was looking to buy a new horse for myself . I was very nervous buying a horse ” on line ” . But when I opened Glenda’s page and out popped this picture of this stunning black and white tenn. walker , I instantly fell in love with him . I emailed Glenda and spoke a number of times over the phone . I knew just by speaking with her , she was a honest person and just did want to sell me a horse . I was going to fly to Kentucky and see him and take him out for ride to be sure HE WAS THE ONE. But after calling the airlines ect and getting a price I thought by the time I do all of that , I could pay for 1/2 the horse !! I was extrememly scared to just buy a horse over the internet ( My husband told me I was nuts !!) But sometimes you just know in side that its meant to be I took a chance that I felt was right . After speaking to Glenda I felt at ease and went for it . I BOUGHT HIM . Without riding him or even seeing him in person . Just a photo , and video I saw. I was sooo anxious waiting his arrival . My dogs starting barking outside I knew he was finally here , as I looked way up my driveway I could see the big trailer heading down !!! My heart started racing I was very nervous to see what was coming out of that trailer . I was the first stop there were 6 other horses aboard besides mine . When he opened the door there he was the most beatiful horse I have ever seen exactly as he was described but only more beatiful . He walked out like a gentleman. He was spottless , clean, his tail was wrapped up so it would also stay clean . Then he brought all the horses out to move them around a bit, they all had a single stall in the trailer . Every horse that walked out of that trailer came from Glenda’s farm everyone was just as beatiful as the next one . I wanted to keep a few others that were in there !!!!!!! The colors were so unique and the patterns on these horses were just so stunning , all healthy , happy , and extrememly clean and well cared for they were just georgeous ! He feed them and watered them before he left . He truly loved them also !! Then after about 3 days of letting Star sit in the pasture and get acustomed to his new home , I saddled him up and away I went he was a perfect gentleman ! He rode alone , thru water , over ditches and trees , by cars, quads, bikes ect. Not a care in the world , walked by everything as if he has done all his life . And also I cant forget about his gait extremely smooth and fast ” Just as I was promised !!! Everything Glenda told me about him was 100% truth . I have a glass jar in my closet I’M SAVING UP FOR ANOTHER ONE !!!! Would def. by on line again from her !! This horse is such a dream horse I couldn’t ask for anything more I live in Bloomsburg , PA and would recommend buying a horse from her anytime , I know I will . If anyone lives close by and would like to come take a look or need referrences for GG Flat Shod , please call Glenda she can give you my number and you are more than welcomed to come and see for yourself what kind of horses that come from her Don’t be as nervous as I was , cause I will be doing it again You can trust her words cause she does know horses . And Glenda thank you again for the very best horse I have ever owned SONS PAINTED STAR ! Here is his picture as you can see just how handsome he really is !!! Thanks again for the great horse , I truly love him . Patty Bohenek Bloomsburg, PA 17815

Tomi (Maryland) Hi Glenda, I just wanted to let you know that “Magnum” Samson’s Masterpiece, has completed his Mounted Search and Rescue Training and as of Sunday is now a Full Service MSAR horse. He has made great strides over the past 6 months since I purchased him from you. This past Sunday Magnum was deployed for the first time to the lower DELMARVA Peninsula for a search of an 84 year old person who had Alzheimer’s. Magnum and I logged in 17.1 miles of saddle time during his first deployment. For just turning 6 years old, he performed at level that could match (or exceed) any horse at twice his age. I have recommend several folks looking for a gaited horse to check out the G&G Flatshod Farm website and would tell anyone wanting a nice gaited trail horse to call you first. PS: The missing subject was found alive but severally dehydrated after going 72 hours without food or water. Regards, Tomi’ State of Maryland Commander Trot Search & Rescue Mounted Team

Rhonda, Bob and Mackenzie (Kentucky) Glenda and Gerald and Potential Trail Horse Buyers: I set out Summer 2006 to find a trail horse. My family purchased property in an Equestrian Paradise, Majestic Oaks in Simpsonville, KY and It was suggested by several horse friends that I take the time and go see G&G in Western Kentucky. I am so glad that I listened to that advice. I took my eleven year old daughter with me. She is the horse expert. as she has been taking riding lessons for years and had her own National Champion Saddlebred. I must admit that I have forced myself during the years to horseback ride, as I live in the State of Kentucky and that is what we are supposed to do. Also, it is my daughters passion. I had never enjoyed even one second of that experience until I visited G&G. I tested many a horse on the trail. I will be the first to admit that I am probably the most picky person there is, besides my husband, when it comes to buying anything. However, I found the equine love of my life, VERSACE. This horse has taken a sport I loathed, and has turned it into the passion of my life. From the beginning, Versace, took care of me, and he is only 3 years old. Smart. Gentle. Cooperative. Beautiful, and the ride is so smooth I couldn’t believe it. What a difference the horse makes!!! I would have never known if I had not taken the opportunity and time to trail ride different horses. They were all completely different. Unfortunately, there are not many places that allow you the opportunity to test drive. It only makes sense to do so. My daughter traded in her show horse for a gentle trail riding horse, and she couldn’t be happier either. When my husband saw how happy we were, he had to buy a trail horse from Glenda and Gerald too. What a great sport to bring the entire family together. We can not thank Glenda and Gerald enough. They are professionals. They are honest. They are caring. They are patient. But, most of all, they know what horses to buy to make this sport fun and SAFER. That is the whole key to this. Much different than riding inside of an arena. It’s just you and the horse. After we purchased our horses, we had one million questions. We called and called, and they patiently answered each and every question. Not a typical response in today’s society. I would suggest that if you need a trail horse, that you take the time, as my family did, and go visit G&G. You can’t bond with or test drive a horse over the phone. Thank you Gerald and Glenda. Best, The Durrett Family

Villa (Tennessee) Hi Glenda: I just wanted to write and let you know how much I LOVE the gelding I purchased from you. He is just what I needed. I now have three small geldings, two coming three year olds and a coming four year old, and they are just precious together. The age of a horse isn’t a big factor as long as the mind is right. Can you believe I went through fourteen horses to find these three. Folks who don’t appreciate what you do don’t have a clue how hard it is to find the “right” horse especially after you have been traumatized by an accident and like you said “getting older too.” It certainly does make a difference. There was a time I would get on anything that had four legs, a mane and a tail. The ground was much more soft then. I enjoyed our visit with you. Beautiful country! I wish I had felt better. Villa in Murfreesboro, Tn. 

Aleda (Alabama) Hi. Glenda & Gerald I would like to tell you that I just love Santana. He is a very sweet boy and my grandbabys love him to. The six year old rides him by his self and that means a lot to me. I would like to tell you that you are right he is a good riding horse and he don’t hurt my back at all. I can’t thank you enough for him. I still want to get me a saddle as soon as I can. I hope that me and Robin can come and bring the horses and camp and ride with ya’ll soon. THANK YOU ALEDA in Alabama

Tiffany (Tennessee) Hey Glenda Just wanted to give you an update on Winston. He is such a great horse!!! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy him. He has the best personality of any horse I have ever seen. He really demads attention when he is in the barn. He also knows he is the king of the barn. He is the only horse that gets free run of the farm and barn. Some days he gets to eat out in the hay field loose which is not fenced and come and go out of the barn as he pleases. I’m sure the other horses are a little jealous. I ride him about three days a week. He is so smooth and does great over all, but he can test you sometimes. I am so glad I made the trip up to Kentucky to get him he was well worth the drive. He has a home forever with us. I will keep you updated and send pics. Tiffany in Tn. 

Kayla (Indiana) Hi Glenda, It’s Kayla Shoulders,my mom bought Davis’ Grace. I’m really enjoying her, I have been working her on the ground some. I think that has helped us in our GREAT partnership. We have some Amish friends who took us on some really rough riding;Grace did AWESOME, while I just tried to stay on. Glenda, I want to thank you for matching Grace and I up. I love her to death. I will keep her until the day God takes her away. I hope your doing great, I am. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Your Friend,Kayla Shoulders in Indiana P. S. I love your horses! 

Jerry and Debbie (Georgia) We just wanted to say thanks for working so diligently with us to find the right horse for both of us. We found you to be honest and truthful about everything. The horses are just like you said they would be. They are willing to plesase and are extremely good gaited. They sure are fun to ride, not to mention the fact that they are beautiful horses to boot! We recommend G and G Farms to anyone who is looking for a gentle yet good gaited pleasure horse. Jerry and Debbie Hensley Ellijay, Ga.

DeniseI (Washington) I know other folks on here think they have the best or sweetest horse from G&G Flatshod Farms, but I KNOW I do. I got PT Cruiser, a racking horse on the 8th of November. He came out of the transporter’s trailer as if he just rode a few miles down the road. I live in Washington state, so from Kentucky that was a little more than a few miles. I had not met him in person prior to his arrival, just saw him on DVD. He’s everything Glenda told me he was and more. With the wild weather we’ve been having, and then an ear infection, I didn’t get a chance to ride him until today. I rode him on very steep trails, muddy and slippery. He was careful and I really think a child would have been safe on his back. Something happened on the trail today that really put him to the test. It was unexpected, and with any of a lesser horse, could have been a true disaster. Out here in the Pacific Northwest we have these horrible vines with thorns in them. They are single, long and strong. I was going on the trail and Cruiser stopped. I had no idea why, there was a bank on the left side and a drop off on the right side. I gave him pressure to go forward, and he went backwards instead. Then I figured something was wrong. I looked down, and the vine was through his front legs and wrapped around his right front leg. I bent precariously to break the vine with my hands and Cruiser just stood there and took it all in stride. He actually stood there and decided to munch on some Oregon Grape while I figured out how to get him untangled. As soon as I broke it up, he went forward and just walked the rest of it out from around him. Now this horse does have get up and go for sure. He’s not lazy at all, and he likes to move out. He’s a blast to ride, water, ducks spooking and flying right up next to him, hunters with guns, people hiking, including a group of boyscouts…nothing even phased him. On the ground he is the coolest guy, he’s like a dog, he greets anyone who goes out in the pasture and will follow them around. Thank you so much Glenda and Gerald, PT Cruiser is wonderful and I couldn’t have asked for anything better than Cruiser for what type of horse I was looking for! Denise Kahlon in Washington state

Abby (Tennessee) Hi Glenda, Hope you are doing well. Greg and Spark are getting along fabulously! Of course we’re all enjoying him. Greg’s biggest regret now is the seasonal timing….he can’t ride as often as he’d like since the time change…but he has ridden every weekend. Spark is settling in fine. Abby Underwood, Fayetteville Tn.