
Age: 11

Height: 15 hands

Color: True black

Sex: Gelding

Breed: Tennessee Walker

Registered: YES

Description: He’s the sweetest people loving horse I’ve ever come across, and loves when you pet his face or fuss over him.  You will love his personality so much. He’s so personable it’s ridiculous.
He’s super silly making faces with his tongue. He’s also so beautiful for a black horse. Very fancy moving with an animated flat walk. You can gait him in his running walk all day which is gorgeous and so smooth.
Drago prefers to follow the group, and is totally welcoming to new horses. Trailers fine alone.
He’s fine with cars whizzing by, side by sides, tractors, and dogs. He’s been all over N.C. trails.
He crosses water with no problem.
Drago has been out 24/7 and is still black, He loves to roll in the dirt and mud. Super easy to catch. Very easy keeper.
He goes through plastic curtains really well, and stands quietly in the cross ties or tie line. Great for the ferrier. Experienced show horse in his younger days, he has become a trail master. Hills, mountains, valleys… wherever you want to go. This guy is athletic and so fancy. Papers that would make any Tennessee walking fan jealous. If you love big personality, gorgeous looks, and a silky smooth ride, you will LOVE Drago.
